
Prasad, Manika

For a complete list, please see Google Scholar

Zerpa, Luis

For a complete list of Luis Zerpa’s research, please go to his website here.


Geranutti, B.L.S., M. Pohl, M., D. Rathmaier, S. Karimi, M. Prasad, L.E. Zerpa, 2024, Multiphysics measurements for detection of gas hydrate formation in undersaturated oil coreflooding experiments with seawater injection: Energies, 17, 3280,

Nassereddine, A.,and L.E. Zerpa, 2024, On the feasibility of deep geothermal wells using numerical reservoir simulation: Processes 12, 1369,

Rathmaier, D., F. Naim, A. C. William, D. Chakraborty, C. Conwell, M. Imhof, G. M. Holmes, and L. E. Zerpa, 2024, A reservoir modeling study for the evaluation of CO2 storage upscaling at the Decatur site in the Eastern Illinois Basin: Energies, 17, no. 5: 1212,


Firdaus, G, M. Prasad, and J. Behura, 2023, A novel anisotropy template for an improved interpretation of elastic anisotropy data: Scientific Reports, 13, 16160,


Firdaus, G., J. Behura, and M. Prasad, 2022, Pressure-dependent elastic anisotropy: A Bakken petroleum system case study: Geophysics, 87, no. 3, MR39-MR150,

Miller, Q. R. S., M. Pohl, K. Livo, H. Asgar, S. K. Nune, M. A. Sinnwell, M. Prasad, G. Gadikota, B. P. McGrail, and H. T. Schaef, 2022, Porous colloidal nanoparticles as injectable multimodal contrast agents for enhanced geophysical sensing: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,


Ali, H. N., & Prasad, M. (2021). On ranking and representation in the geosciences: AGU Advances, 2, e2021AV000474.

Livo, K., M. Prasad, and T.R. Graham, 2021, Quantification of dissolved O2 in bulk aqueous solutions and porous media using NMR relaxometry: Sci Rep, 11, 290,

Prasad, M., S. Glubokovskikh, T. Daley, S. Oduwole, W. Harbert, 2021, CO2 messes with rock physics: The Leading Edge, 40, no. 6, 424–432,

Miller, QR. S., M. Pohl, K. Livo, H. Asgar, S.K. Nune, M.A. Sinnwell, M. Prasad, G. Gadikota, B.P. McGrail, and H.T. Schaef, 2022, Porous colloidal nanoparticles as injectable multimodal contrast agents for enhanced geophysical sensing: Applied Materials & Interfaces,



Atkinson, J., M. Prasad, A. Abbud-Madrid, and C.B. Dreyer, 2020, Penetration and relaxation behavior of JSC-1A lunar regolith simulant under cryogenic conditions: Icarus, 349, 113812.

Ferraro, F., F. Agosta, F., M. Prasad, S.  Vinciguerra, M. Violay, and M. Giorgioni, 2020, Pore space properties in carbonate fault rocks of peninsular Italy: Journal of Structural Geology, 130, 103913,

Livo, K., M. Saidian, and M. Prasad, 2020, Effect of paramagnetic mineral content and distribution on nuclear magnetic resonance surface relaxivity in organic-rich Niobrara and Haynesville shales: Fuel, 269, no. 1,

Murugesu, M.P., M. Prasad, S. Pylypenko, 2020, Surface and bulk characterization of reservoir and cap-rocks: past, present and future: JVST A: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 38, no. 5, 050801,


Carey, J. W., R. Pini, M. Prasad, L.P Frash, and S. Kumar, 2019, Leakage processes in damaged shale: In situ measurements of permeability, CO2-­sorption behavior and acoustic properties: in J. Ajo-Franklin, J. W. Carey, and S. Vialle, Geological carbon storage: subsurface seals and caprock integrity, Geophysical Monograph 238, First Edition (ed.) American Geophysical Union. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Hasanov, A. K, B. Dugan, M.L. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2019, Hydraulic and poroelastic rock properties from oscillating pore pressure experiments: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, no. 5, 4473-4491,

Kamruzzaman, A., M. Prasad, and S. Sonnenberg, 2019, Petrophysical rock typing in unconventional shale plays: a Niobrara Formation case study: Interpretation, 7, no. 4, SJ7-SJ22,

Revil, A., A. Ghorbani, C. Mapeli, K. Livo, and M. Prasad, 2019, Differential pressure dependence of the complex conductivity of sandstones: Geophysical Journal International, 219, no. 3, 2110-2124,

Zhou, D., G. Zhang, M. Prasad, and P Wang, 2019, The effects of temperature on supercritical CO2 induced fracture: An experimental study: Fuel, 247, 126-134,


Murugesu, M.P., N. Joewondo, and M. Prasad, 2018, CO2 sorption capacity in clay-rich shales with moisture content,14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne, 21-26.


Grana, D., J. Kaszuba, V. Alvarado, S. Verma, M. Prasad, and M. Wheeler, 2017, Introduction to special section: Multidisciplinary studies for geologic and geophysical characterization of CO2 storage reservoirs: Interpretation 5, no. 4, SSi-SSii,

Hasanov, A.K., M. Prasad, and M.L. Batzle, 2017, Simultaneous measurements of transport and poroelastic properties of rocks: Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 124501. PDF

Katika, K., M. Saidian, M. Prasad, and I.L. Fabricius, 2017, Low-field NMR spectrometry of chalk and argillaceous sandstones: Rock-fluid affinity assessed from T1/T2 ratio: Petrophysics, 58, no. 2, 126-140. PDF

Moyer, J, and M. Prasad, 2017, Property changes of oil shale during artificial maturation:The Irati Formation from the Paraná Basin, Brazil: Geophysics, 82, no. 6, 1-65. DOI:

Murugesu, M, 2017, Pore structure analysis using subcritical gas adsorption method, Presented at the SPE International Student Paper Conference at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, October 9-11. PDF

Pohl, M., M. Prasad, and M.L. Batzle, 2017, Ultrasonic Attenuation of Pure THF-Hydrate: Geophysical Prospecting, 66, no. 7,

Revil, A., M. Murugesu, M. Prasad, and M. Le Breton, 2017, Alteration of volcanic rocks: A new non-intrusive indicator based on induced polarization measurements: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 341, 351-362, PDF

Schindler, M., M.L. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2017, Micro X-Ray computed tomography imaging and ultrasonic velocity measurements in tetrahydrofuran-hydrate-bearing sediments: Geophysical Prospecting, 65, no. 4, 1025-1036, PDF


Aliyev, E., M. Saidian, M. Prasad, and B. Russell, 2016, Rock typing of tight gas sands: A case study in Lance and Mesaverde formations from Jonah field: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 33, 1260-1270, PDF

Hasanov, A.K., M.L. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2016, June, Fluid and rock bulk viscosity and modulus: The Leading Edge, 35, no. 6, 502-505, PDF

Hasanov, A., M.L. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2016, Fluid and rock bulk viscosity and modulus, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, 3453-3458, PDF

Niu, Q., M. Prasad, A. Revil, M. Saidian, 2016, Textural control on the quadrature conductivity of porous media: Geophysics, 81, no. 5, E297-E309, PDF

Niu, Q., and M. Prasad, 2016, Measurement of dielectric properties (mHz-MHz) of sedimentary rocks, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, 3127-3132. PDF

Ou, L, and M. Prasad, 2016, Ultrasonic anisotropic P-wave attenuation of shales under elevated pressures, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, 3261-3266, PDF

Panfiloff, A., and M. Prasad, 2016, Experimental evaluation of dynamic Young’s moduli and anisotropy in shales, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, 367-371. PDF

Saidian, M., L.J. Godinez, and M. Prasad, 2016, Effect of clay and organic matter on nitrogen adsorption specific surface area and cation exchange capacity in shales (mudrocks): Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 33, 1095-1106, PDF

Saidian, M., U. Kuila, M. Prasad, S. Rivera, L.J. Godinez, and L. Alcantar-Lopez, 2016, A comparison of measurement techniques for porosity and pore size distribution in shales (mudrocks): A case study of Haynesville, Niobrara, Monterey and Eastern European Silurian Formations, in Olson, T., ed, Imaging unconventional reservoir pore systems: AAPG Memoir 112, 89–144.

Schindler, M, and M. Prasad, 2016, Micro X-ray CT imaging of sediments under confining pressure, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, 3216-3220. PDF

Schindler, M., M. Prasad, M., and M.L. Batzle, 2016, Micro X-ray computed tomography imaging and ultrasonic velocity measurements of hydrate-bearing porous media: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Zargari, S., T.M. Wilkinson, C.E. Packard, and M. Prasad, 2016, Effect of thermal maturity on elastic properties of kerogen: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, M1-M6,


Deng, S., A. Cilona, C. Morrow, C. Mapeli, C. Liu, D. Lockner, M. Prasad, A. Aydin, 2015, Cross-bedding related anisotropy and its interplay with various boundary conditions in the formation and orientation of joints in an aeolian sandstone: Journal of Structural Geology, 77, 175-190.   PDF

Hinkle, A., E. Shin, M. Liberatore, A. Herring, and M. Batzle, 2015, Correlating the chemical and physical properties of a set of heavy oils from around the world: Fuel, 87, no. 13-14, 3065-3070,

Majid, A.A., M. Saidian, M. Prasad, and C. Koh, 2015, Measurement of the water droplet size in water-in-oil emulsions using low field nuclear magnetic resonance for gas hydrate slurry application: Canadian Journal of Chemistry, PDF

Makarynska, D., B. Gurevich, J. Behura, and M. Batzle, 2010, Fluid substitution in rocks saturated with viscoelastic fluids: Geophysics, 75, no. 2, E115-E122 PDF

Ou, L, A. Revil, A. Saidian, and M. Prasad, 2015, Salinity effect on the spectral induced porosimetry: theory and experiment: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Ou, L., A. Revil, M. Saidian, and M. Prasad, 2015, Salinity effect on the spectral induced polarization porosimetry: Theory and experiment: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Rahman, R., D.K. McCarty, and M. Prasad, 2015, Sub-THz complex dielectric constants of smectite clay thin samples with Na+/Ca++ ions: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, no. 9, 6219-6225.  PDF

Prasad, M., S. Zargari, M. Saidian, 2015, Quantitative nano and microcale rock characterization, in J. Poate, T. Illangasekare, H. Kazemi, R. Kee, eds., Pore Scale Phenomena: Frontiers in Energy and Environment, World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 35-52.

Saidian, M., U. Kuila, and M. Prasad, 2015, A comparison of measurement techniques for porosity and pore size distribution in shales (mudrocks): A case study of Haynesville, Niobrara, Monterey and Eastern European Silurian formations, In: AAPG Memoir 110: Imaging unconventional reservoir pore systems,

Saidian, M., K. Livo, and M. Prasad, 2015, Effect of paramagnetic mineral content and distribution on surface relaxivity in organic-rich Niobrara and Haynesville Shales, SEG, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, PDF

Saidian, M., and M. Prasad, 2015, Effect of mineralogy on nuclear magnetic resonance surface relaxivity:A case study of Middle Bakken and Three Forks formations: Fuel, 161, 197-206, PDF

Saidian, M, and M. Prasad, and C. A. Koh, 2015, Measurement of the water droplet size in water-in-oil emulsions using low field nuclear magnetic resonance for gas hydrate slurry application: Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 93, 1-7,

Saidian, M., and M. Prasad, 2015, SEG Women’s Network Committee announces Annual Meeting workshop on bullying, bias: Fuel, 161, 197-206, PDF

Schindler, M., M. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2015, Pore-Scale Imaging of Tetrahydrofuran-Hydrate Bearing Porous Media, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015. PDF

Wilkinson, T.M., S. Zargari, M. Prasad, and C. E. Packard, 2015, Optimizing nano-dynamic mechanical analysis for high-resolution, elastic modulus mapping in organic-rich shales: Journal of Materials Science, 50, 1041–1049, PDF

Woodruff, W.F., A. Revil, M. Prasad, C. Torres-Verdin, 2015, Measurements of elastic and electrical properties of an unconventional organic shale under differential loading: Geophysics, 80, no. 4, D363-D383, DOI: 10.1190/geo2014-0535.1. PDF

Zargari, S., K.L. Canter, M. Prasad, 2015, Porosity evolution in oil-prone source rocks: Fuel, 153, 110-117. PDF


Kuila, U., D.K. McCarty, A. Derkowski, T.B. Fischer, and M. Prasad, 2014, Total porosity measurement in gas shales by the water immersion porosimetry (WIP) method: Fuel, 117, 1115-1129, PDF

Kuila, U, D., K. McCarty, A. Derkowski, T.B. Fisher, T. Topov, and M. Prasad, 2014, Nano-scale texture and porosity of organic matter and clay minerals in organic-rich mudrocks: Fuel, 135, 359-373. PDF

Rivera, S., M. Saidian, L.J. Godinez, M. Prasad, 2014, Effect of Mineralogy on NMR, Sonic, and Resistivity: A Case Study of the Monterey Formation, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. PDF


Kuila, U., and M. Prasad, 2013, Application of nitrogen gas-adsorption technique for characterization of pore structure of mudrocks: The Leading Edge, 32, no. 12, 1478-1485, PDF

Kuila, U., and M. Prasad, 2013, Specific surface area and pore-size distribution in clays and shales: Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 341-362, PDF

Kumar, S., T. Hoffman, and M. Prasad, 2013, Upper and lower Bakken shale production contribution to the Middle Bakken Reservoir, Presented at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 12-14, 2013. PDF

Liberator, M. W., A. M. Herring, K. Li, A. Bazyleva, B. Akeredolu, M. Prasad, and M. Batzle, 2013, Rheological and chemical properties of Alaska heavy oils, Presented at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 12-14. PDF

Prasad, M., 2013, Introduction to Unconventional Gas: CSEG Recorder, 38, no. 5, 20. PDF

Revil, A., J.D. Eppehimer, M. Skold, M. Karaoulis, L. Godinez, and M. Prasad, 2013, Low-frequency complex conductivity of sandy and clayey materials: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 398, 193-209, PDF

Revil, A., W.F. Woodruff, C. Torres-Verdin, and M. Prasad, 2013, Complex conductivity tensor of anisotropic hydrocarbon-bearing shales and mudrocks: Geophysics, 78, no. 6, D403-D418 PDF

Sharma, R., M. Prasad, M. Batzle, and S. Vega, 2013, Sensitivity of flow and elastic properties to fabric heterogeneity in carbonates: Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 270-286, PDF

Zargari, S., M. Prasad, K.C. Mba, and E. Mattson, 2013, Organic maturity, elastic properties, and textural characteristics of self resourcing reservoirs: Geophysics, 78, no. 4, D223–D235, DOI: 10.1190/geo2012-0431.1


Castillo, P, L. Ou, M., and Prasad, 2012, Petrophysical description of tight gas sands, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1-5, PDF

Sharma, R., M. Prasad, M. Batzle, and S. Vega, Sensitivity of flow and elastic properties to fabric geterogeneity in carbonates: Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 270-286.


Alam, M.M, I.L. Fabricius, and M. Prasad, 2011, Permeability prediction in chalks: AAPG Bulletin, 95, no. 11, 1991-2014. PDF

Akrad, O., J. Miskimins, and M. Prasad, 2011, The effects of fracturing fluids on shale rock mechanical properties and proppant embedment, Presented at the SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO , October 30-November 2. PDF

Kuila, U., and M. Prasad, 2011, Surface area and pore-size distribution in clays and shales, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 20-Nov. 2. PDF

Dechongkit, P., and M. Prasad, 2011, Recovery factor and reserves estimation in the Bakken Petroleum System (analysis of the Antelope, Sanish and Parshall fields): Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas, CSUG/SPE 149471. PDF

Prasad, M., K.C. Mba, T.E. McEvoy, and M.L. Batzle, 2011, Maturity and Impedance Analysis of Organic-Rich Shales: SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 533-543, PDF


Das, A., and M. Batzle, 2010, Frequency dependent elastic properties and attenuation in heavy-oil sands: comparison between measured and modeled data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts,

Makarynska, D., B. Gurevich, J. Behura, and M. Batzle, 2010, Fluid substitution in rocks saturated with viscoelastic fluids: Geophysics, 75, no. 2, E115-E122, PDF

Morcote, A., G. Mavko, and M. Prasad, 2010, Dynamic elastic properties of coal: Geophysics, 75, no. 6, E227-E234. PDF

Richards, K., A. Revil, A. Jardani, F. Henderson, M. Batzle, and A. Hass, 2010, Pattern of shallow ground water flow at Mount Princeton Hot Springs, Colorado, using geoelectrical methods: Geothermal Research, 198, no. 1-2, 217-232,

Rydzy, M. B., and M. L. Batzle, 2010, Ultrasonic velocities in laboratory-formed gas hydrate-bearing sediments, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 

Sarker, R., and M. Batzle, 2010, Anisotropic elastic moduli of the Mancos B shale-An experimental study, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, PDF

Schmutz, M, A. Revil, P. Vaudelet, M. Batzle, P. F. Vianao, and D.D. Werkema, 2010, Influence of oil saturation upon spectral induced polarization of oil-bearing sands: Geophysical Journal International, 83, no. 1, 211-224,


Bathija, A.P., M.L. Batzle, and M. Prasad, 2009, An experimental study of the dilation factor: Geophysics, 74, no. 4, E181-E191. PDF

Bathija, A.P., H. Liang, N. Lu, M. Prasad, and M.L. Batzle, 2009, Stressed swelling clay: Geophysics, 74, no. 4, A47-A52 PDF

Prasad, M., K.C. Mba, T.E. McEvoy, M.L. Batzle, 2009, Maturity and impedance analysis of organic-rich shales, Paper presented at the 2009 SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, April 14-16, 2009, Denver, CO. PDF

Prasad, M., A. Pal-Bathija, M. Johnston, M. Rydzy, and M. Batzle, 2009, Rock physics of the unconventional: The Leading Edge, 28, no. 1, 34-38, PDF

Sharma, R., and M. Prasad, 2009, Characterization of heterogeneities in carbonates, Presented at International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG, 2149-2154. PDF


Adam, L., and M. Batzle, 2008, Elastic properties of carbonates from laboratory measurements at seismic and ultrasonic frequency: The Leading Edge, 1026-1032. PDF

Das, A., and M. Batzle, 2008, Modeling studies in heavy oil – in between solid and fluid properties: The Leading Edge, 1116-1123. PDF

Han, D., J. Liu, and M. Batzle, 2008, Seismic properties of heavy oils-measured data: The Leading Edge, 27, no. 9, 1108-1115, PDF

Olsen, C., K. Hedegaard, I.L. Fabricius, and M. Prasad, 2008, Prediction of Biot’s coefficient from rock-physical modeling of North Sea chalk: Geophysics, 73, no. 2, E89-E96. PDF

Sarker, R., and M. Batzle, Effective stress coefficient in shales and its applicability to Eaton’s equation: The Leading Edge, 27, no. 6, 798, PDF



Adam, L., and M. Batzle, 2007, Moduli dispersion and attenuation in limestones in the laboratory, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 1634-1638. PDF

Agosta, F., M. Prasad, and A. Aydin, 2007, Physical properties of carbonate fault rocks, Fucino basin (Central Italy): implications for fault seal in platform carbonates: Geofluids, 7, 19-32. PDF

Behura, J., M. Batzle, R. Hofmann, and J. Dorgan, 2007, Heavy oils: Their shear story: Geophysics, 72, no. 5, PDF

Choudhury, S., E. Chandrasekhar, V.K. Pandey, and M. Prasad, 2007, Use of wavelet transformation for geophysical well-log data analysis, Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, July 1-4, 2007. Cardiff, United Kingdom, DOI: 10.1109/ICDSP.2007.4288665. PDF

Han, D., J. Liu, and M. Batzle, 2007, Shear velocity as the function of frequency in heavy oils, SEG Technical Program Abstract, 1716-1719. PDF

Kopycinska-Muller, M. Prasad, U. Rabe, W. Arnold, 2007, Elastic properties of clay minerals determined by atomic force acoustic microscopy technique, Acoustical Imaging, In Andre, M. P. et al. (eds) Acoustical Imaging, 28, Springer, Dordrecht, 409-416.

Mukerji T., and M. Prasad, 2007, Image processing of acoustic microscopy data to estimate textural scales and anisotropy in Shales. In André M.P. et al. (eds) Acoustical Imaging. Acoustical Imaging, 28. Springer, Dordrecht.

Pal-Bathija, A., and M. Batzle, 2007, An experimental study of the dilation factor in sandstone under anisotropic stress conditions, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 1545-1549. PDF

Prasad, M., T. Mukerji, M. Reinstadtler, and W. Arnold, 2007, Acoustic signatures and impedance microstructure, textural scales, and anisotropy of kerogen-rich shale. PDF

Zimmer, M.A., M. Prasad, G. Mavko, and A. Nur, 2007, Seismic velocities of unconsolidated sands: Part 1 — Pressure trends from 0.1 to 20  MPa: Geophysics, 72, no. 1, E1-E13, DOI: 10.1190/1.2399459. PDF

Zimmer, M.A., M. Prasad, G. Mavko, and A. Nur, 2007, Seismic velocities of unconsolidated sands: Part 2 — Influence of sorting-and compaction-induced porosity variation: Geophysics, 72, no. 1, E15-E25, PDF


Adam, L., M. Batzle, and I. Brevik, 2006, Gassmann fluid substitution and shear modulus variability in carbonates at laboratory seismic and ultrasonic frequencies: Geophysics, 71, no. 6,

Batzle, M.L., Han, D., and R. Hofmann, 2006, Fluid mobility and frequency-dependent seismic velocity – Direct measurements: Geophysics, 71, no. 1, N1-N9, PDF

Batzle, M., and R. Hofmann, 2006, Heavy oils-seismic properties: The Leading Edge, 750-756. PDF

Hinkle, A., and M. Batzle, 2006, Heavy oils: A worldwide overview: The Leading Edge, 25, no. 6, 742-759,, PDF

Kuila, U., and M. Prasad, 2006, Measuring and modeling the elastic moduli of clay materials, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 1893-1896. PDF

Scales, J., and M. Batzle, 2006, Millimeter wave spectroscopy of rocks and fluids: Applied Physics Letters, 88, 062906,

Sharma, R., M. Prasad, and G. Surve, 2006, On the applicability of Gassmann model in carbonates, Presented at the Annual Meeting, SEG, 1866-1870. PDF

Vega, S., G. Mavko, A. Nur, and M. Prasad, 2006, Detection of stress-induced velocity anisotropy in unconsolidated sands: The Leading Edge, 252-256. PDF

Xu, X., R. Hofmann, M. Batzle, T. Tshering, 2006, Influence of pore pressure on velocity in low-porosity sandstone: Implications for time-lapse feasibility and pore-pressure study: Geophysical Prospecting, 54, 565-573. PDF


Adam, L. M. Batzle, I. Brevik, 2005, Gassmann’s fluid substitution paradox on carbonates: seismic and ultrasonic frequencies, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 1521-1524. PDF

Adam, L., J. Scales, M. Batzle, T. Niebauer, 2005, Seismic-frequency attenuation and moduli estimates using a fiber-optic strainmeter, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 1573-1576. PDF

Baker, K., and M. Batzle, 2005, Use of outcrop analogues to predict lithology influence on the seismic signature, Presented at Annual Meeting, SEG, 821-824. PDF

Batzle, M, R. Hofmann, M. Prasad, G. Kumar, and L. Duranti, 2005, Seismic attenuation: Observations and mechanisms, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 24, 1565-1568, PDF

Han, D., and M. Batzle, 2005, Diagnosis of “fizz-gas” and gas reservoirs in deep-water environment, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1327-1330, PDF

Han, D., and M. Batzle, 2005, Measurement of shear wave velocity of heavy oil, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1513-1516. PDF

Han, D., and M. Batzle, 2005, Velocities of deep water reservoir sands, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1501-1504. PDF

Hoffmann, R., Xiaoxia Xu, M. Batzle, M. Prasad, A. Furre, and A. Pillitteri, 2005, Effective pressure or what is the effect of pressure?: The Leading Edge, 1256-1260. PDF

Prasad, M., R. Hofmann, M. Batzle, M. Kopycinska-Muller, U. Rabe, and W. Arnold, 2005, Values of mineral modulus of clay, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2005, 1525-1528. PDF

Prasad, M., I.L. Fabricius, and C. Olsen, 2005, Rock physics and statistical well log analyses in marly chalk: The Leading Edge,  24, no. 5, 491-495. PDF

Rojas, E., T. L. Davis, M. Batzle, M. Prasad, and R. J. Michelena, VpVs ratio sensitivity to pressure, fluid, and lithology changes in tight gas sandstones, Presented at the Annual Meeting, SEG, 1401-1404. PDF

YearLast NameFirst NameDegreeThesis TitleDownload
2018AkarapatimaThanyanatMS GeophysicsModel comparisons of multivariate statistics with theoretical predictions of elastic properties in sandstonesDownload
2021AlabbadMaithamMS GeophysicsMachine learning applications for core guided petrophysical analysisDownload
2020Al GhaithiAunMS Geophysical EngineeringDeep Learning Methods for Shear Log Predictions in the Volve Field Norwegian North SeaDownload
2022Al-RiyamiHamedPhD Petroleum EngineeringInvestigation into the effect of temperature on nitrogen foam behaviorDownload
2024AlsaadAliMS GeophysicsFluid saturation estimation using full waveform inversion (FWI): A controlled laboratory experiment
2010AtkinsonJaredMS Geophysical EngineeringMulticomponent time-lapse monitoring of two hydraulic fracture stimulations in an unconventional reservoir, Pouce Coupe Field, CanadaDownload
2006BakerKathleenMS GeophysicsForward modeling of deepwater outcrop geobodies to enhance seismic interpretation of Ursa Field, Gulf of Mexico
2016BridgesMasonMS GeophysicsMechanical properties of the NiobraraDownload
2023BufalizaNicolásMS GeophysicsQuantitative Seismic Characterization for Low Saturation Gas Reservoirs: A Case Study in Magallanes Formation, Austral Basin, ArgentinaDownload
2005ColsonLeifMS Petrophysical evaluation of vuggy carbonates with emphasis on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance data
2014CorapciogluHakanMS Petroleum EngineeringFracturing fluid effects on Young's modulus and embedment in the Niobrara FormationDownload
2010DasAgnibhaPhD GeophysicsThe viscoelastic properties of heavy-oil saturated rocksDownload
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2005EckeHansMS GeophysicsSeismic velocity calibration: fluids, pressure and frequenciesDownload
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2015GayerJamesMS GeophysicsArtificial maturation of oil shale: the Irati Formation from the Parana Basin, BrazilDownload
2020GeranuttiBiancaMS Petroleum EngineeringInvestigation of Gas Hydrate Formation During Sea Water Injection Based on Undersaturated Oil Core Flooding Experiments.Download
2014GodinezLemuelMS Petroleum EngineeringImportant mineralogical factors for fluid saturation, specific surface area and pore size distribution based on gas adsorption, cation exchange capacity and 2D dielectric microscopy: A case study of quartz phase porcelanites in the Miocene Monterey FormationDownload
2018GuliyevAnvarMS Petroleum EngineeringPore compressibility of reservoir sandstones from integrated laboratory experimentsDownload
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